Unlock Your Home’s Energy-Saving Potential: Top 10 Tips from Kredit-Markt.eu

by | Feb 25, 2020 | Saving Tips

In today’s world, the importance of conserving energy, preserving our planet’s resources, and combating climate change has never been more pressing. For many, it’s also about taking responsibility for our impact on nature. From climate change to garbage pollution, deforestation, and unsustainable food production, these issues are shaping how we shop, eat, and live.

Every household relies on energy for essential tasks like food storage, heating, lighting, laundry, and personal care. But the way we use energy matters. Outdated appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, light bulbs, TVs, and computers can drive up CO² emissions and energy costs unnecessarily.

By prioritizing energy efficiency at home, we not only contribute to effective climate protection but also save money in the process. While no single individual can halt climate change alone, each of us plays a crucial role in driving societal change and fostering a sustainable lifestyle.

Making simple changes in our daily habits can lead to positive outcomes for both our wallets and the environment. Whether you’re tight on cash or simply looking to reduce your carbon footprint, embracing energy-saving practices is a win-win solution for all. Read on to learn 10 tips on how to conserve energy at home:

1. Choose an Energy-Efficient Refrigerator

Everyone has a refrigerator, and it runs 24/7. This power guzzler consumes almost a quarter of the total electricity consumption on average. Therefore, it’s essential to pay attention to energy efficiency when purchasing. Opt for a high-quality refrigerator with an energy-efficient rating (marked with an A). It should also be purchased in a suitable size according to the number of users. The refrigerator should not be set too high. 6-7 degrees are completely sufficient. The refrigerator door should not be left open for too long. It’s also recommended to regularly defrost the refrigerator – and especially the freezer compartment.

2. Use the Washing Machine Wisely

The same principle applies to your washing machine and you must only use the most energy-efficient model. 

One should refrain from prewashing and use the energy-saving program (Eco). Although it takes a little longer, it saves electricity. Most clothes can be effectively cleaned with a 30-degree wash, saving both money and electricity. This also helps preserve your clothes. Of course, extremely dirty laundry should be washed at 60 or even 90 degrees.

3. Maximize Dishwasher Efficiency

The third in line is the dishwasher. In principle, its use is recommended because it actually consumes less water on average than conventional hand washing. But even with the dishwasher, it’s important to use a modern and energy-efficient model. Pre-rinsing can usually be dispensed with here as well. Make sure that your dishwasher is full before you turn it on.

4. Switch to LED Lamps

The old and energy-wasting light bulb has long been obsolete. Most people have replaced their old light bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs. They are not only affordable but they also consume only a fraction of the electricity used by so-called energy-saving lamps. Another plus is their much longer lifespan of up to 20 years!

5. Using the kettle correctly

Kettles are a great invention! With the push of a button, the tea water is hot, and you don’t need to laboriously heat a pot on the stove. And indeed, kettles are generally more energy-efficient compared to the stove. However, the kettle only helps save energy in the household when used correctly. Therefore, it’s important to only boil as much water as is actually needed. It’s therefore recommended, for example, to measure exactly the right amount of water with the tea cups, which is then heated in the kettle.

6. Avoid Standby Mode

Turn off all standby devices completely using a power strip. Chargers for phones and other devices should also be unplugged when not in use to prevent unnecessary energy consumption.

Nowadays, virtually all modern devices have a standby mechanism. What is intended as a convenience for everyday life turns out to be an absolute energy waster upon closer inspection. Because what many don’t realize: standby consumes a lot of electricity. There are calculations showing that Germans pay over 4 billion euros annually for standby mode. Televisions, PCs, monitors, DVD players, and coffee makers – all these devices consume incredible amounts of energy. 

Therefore, all standby devices should always be completely switched off via a power strip! In addition, make sure that the devices you purchase can be completely switched off. Remember, never leave chargers for mobile phones, MP3 players, laptops, etc., in the socket. These devices continue to draw power even after charging is complete.

7. Clever heating saves a lot of energy

Optimize Heating: Properly ventilate rooms and maintain a consistent temperature to save on heating costs. Avoid leaving doors and windows open unnecessarily and ensure radiators are not obstructed by furniture or curtains.

Proper heating also includes proper ventilation. Rooms should be thoroughly ventilated once or even several times a day if necessary – and then kept at a sensible temperature. This means that doors should not be unnecessarily left open; windows certainly not. Of course, radiators should not be covered by furniture or too heavy curtains, otherwise, the heat cannot be distributed adequately. Ensure that there is always a constant temperature in your apartment. 

Even when you’re away from home, it’s important to maintain a moderate room temperature. Reheating rooms from a significantly lower temperature consumes much more energy than simply maintaining a consistent temperature in already heated rooms.

8. Air conditioners are so 90s!

It actually goes without saying: Air conditioners should really be avoided. Hardly any device is as harmful to the climate and consumes so much energy. It’s really not a problem to ensure fresh air in your own apartment through clever ventilation. Moreover, air conditioners consume a lot of energy and can be harmful to the environment and health. They can cause colds and dry out the skin. Moreover, it would be quite paradoxical to combat climate change – i.e., warming – with a device that is so harmful to the climate! Apart from that, air conditioners incur very high costs.

9. Energy efficiency through thermal insulation

Those who take energy saving in the household seriously and are not afraid to initiate larger measures can save a lot of money through effective thermal insulation of their own four walls. Initial investment is necessary and sometimes it takes a while for it to pay off, but for tenants or homeowners, it’s definitely a worthwhile investment. In the long run, this saves a lot of heating costs.

10. Saving energy in the household with green electricity

Last but not least, a simple and quick method for saving energy in the household that really involves no effort: switch to green electricity! A call or a letter to the respective provider is sufficient – often the switch can also be made online – and you’re already saving a significant amount of money and doing good for the environment.

Implementing these tips can lead to significant energy savings, lower utility bills, and a more sustainable lifestyle.